
Hope for A Brighter Tomorrow

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Is this You? "Everyone hates me, and I hate me too!" - What can you do?

Do you live a life full of turmoil?  Have you thought of doing the unthinkable?  

Stop thinking that way!  You can improve  your situation beginning with how you think of yourself and others.

Let me  suggest that first, you  start by   forgiving yourself and others. 

Forgiving yourself and others is an act of self-empowerment. 

Forgiving yourself  allows you to let go of emotional pain.  

Starting right now, you  can be  free of your past  if you let it go.   Letting it go means it has no power to hurt you.

You can now begin to see your self  in a new way – strong, loved, worthy, and free.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Stop! Don't do anything drastic. There are things you can discover about yourself that will help

Stop!  Don't do anything drastic.  There are things you can discover about yourself that will help you.

Day after day, I discover how to live more fully, and you can too.

To do so, you must be open and receptive to new ways of thinking and living.  Find, talk, and listen to a few people you want to be like.

Be assured, if you open yourself to new ways of thinking, you will see great possibilities materialize.  You will realize that  wonderful powers are contained within you.

You must try to  live every day with a sense of purpose because you have much to give to life – right where you are.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Summon Strength from within Yourself

Sometimes, the  only person you can draw strength from is yourself.

I, a decorated U.S. Army Veteran was once a scared little boy who was molested by my Boy Scout master.

The night I was molested will be seared into my memory until the day I die.   Although I felt terrified and shamed that night, I never despaired.   I never let that incident get the best of me.  I wasn't going to give that dirty man the satisfaction.

That said, I didn't turn to anyone (like I should have) for help either.  I was really scared.  I never told anyone about the incident,  until years later, but I never let that dirty old man touch me again.

How did I summon strength from within myself?  At the moment of the molestation, I started praying.  I must have said 100 Hail Mary's and Our Fathers.  And, as soon as I saw the opportunity I got to hell out of there.

Life can land blows on you.  There may be something going on in your life that is causing you to dispare.  Pleas remember that remaining silent, not getting help is the wrong thing to do.  Finding strength in yourself may mean only that you sum the courage to speak to be heard.

If you keep your situation a  dirty little secret, how can anyone help you?

Do like I did.  Pray.  Pray.  Then, pray again.  After you've prayed, make a 20 second leap of courage and call someone.

Words of Encouragement - be Brave - be an Army of One

I hope this young girl encourages you.  You can be brave.  If all else fails, you can be an "Army of One". 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Would you like to express your feelings? Write a poem, then set it to music

At the bottom of this post is an interactive musical keyboard. You can play it with your mouse, or you can click its keyboard and play with your computer's keyboard.

Also, the keyboard has several buttons - features you can click on and  experiment with like beat-loops, drums, echos, and more.

If you'd like to record your songs, you can download "Audacity" and "Freecorder".  These are free downloads.

Freecorder will let you save the song parts, and  "Audacity"   will let you manipulate the sounds and add your voice... if you have a microphone attached to your computer.

I have created some music this way.  One such work is in progress... I know it's simple and may be a little corny, but creating this makes me feel better about things.

Spelling "Jesus loves us" on the key board sounds like this:

The keyboard you can play is below:


Friday, May 4, 2012

Don't give in to giving up!

Listen to me.  You are special, and you will do great things with your life.

Times are hard right now, but you’ll get through them, and they’ll make you stronger.

Try not to concern yourself with the negativity of others.  Those who treat you badly are ignorant, in which case you should feel sorry for them and protect your identity. 

I’m saying to you, be true to who you are, and don’t change just to fit in.  You don’t need the kind of friends who would trash you just because you choose to be a little different.

It’s okay to be smart.  It’s okay to be sensitive.  It’s okay if you don’t look beautiful.  Some of the ugliest people I had ever met were (physically) the most attractive.  

Some attributes are more important than physical beauty.  I know the world may not seem that way, but magazines, television shows and movies are all a put-on.

I started this post out by telling you how special you are, and I want to end on that note.

You are too important to let slip away as a consequence of a rash decision.

Please, don’t take any drastic measures.  Call someone and pour your heart out.

I promise after you unload your baggage to a listening ear, you’ll feel better.  After unloading your grief on someone, make a plan that will see you through the next month.

Do something you love to do, and immerse yourself.  Create something that expresses